Proudly Serving Students Throughout Maryland For More Than 30 Years
Many colleges and universities require students to sign a code of conduct forbidding criminal and unethical behaviors. Even students who are acquitted on misdemeanor drug charges may still find themselves facing the school’s judicial review board. The College Park student misconduct attorney at The Law Office of Ronald L. Schwartz is also a skilled criminal lawyer who diligently represents you against both academic and criminal charges.
Conduct Codes Eschew Many Different Violations
Student conduct codes can forbid students from engaging in a number of activities, including underage drinking, drug paraphernalia possession, academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Although some administrative charges are not criminal in nature, they can still carry serious consequences, including expulsion and a mark on your academic record that may be impossible to remove. The Law Office of Ronald L. Schwartz skillfully represents you if your college or university accuses you of misconduct and may help you file a grievance if officials pursue charges maliciously.
The following offenses are among the charges a student misconduct board may file against you:
- Plagiarism – If a professor thinks you have stolen the work of another person, you may stand accused of plagiarism. This often means a failing grade in the class and academic probation.
- Sexual misconduct – Universities have an obligation to maintain a harassment-free learning environment. Students may be permanently expelled from college with a notation on their record that may prevent them from ever obtaining a graduate or undergraduate degree.
- Possession of illegal drugs or alcohol on campus – Universities, including the University of Maryland, have strict rules regarding student drug use. The consequences may include immediate loss of housing privileges, suspension or expulsion. Alcohol use depends on the student’s age, but in addition, colleges may choose to limit alcohol on campus. For example, University of Maryland prohibits kegs in dormitories.
A Unique Perspective On Misconduct Cases
Student misconduct lawyer Ronald Schwartz is a former University of Maryland student with two children who recently graduated from the school. He has reviewed the student conduct code thoroughly and understands it the way only a student, parent, and lawyer can. He uses this knowledge to effectively defend students against false misconduct charges so they can get their lives back on track. He has also helped students from colleges throughout the area, including those studying in Washington, D.C., colleges in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties and the Baltimore area.
Speak With A Student Misconduct Attorney In Maryland Right Away
Protect your child from criminal and academic charges with the help of the student misconduct attorney at The Law Office of Ronald L. Schwartz. Call us at 301-892-3410 or contact us online for a free consultation. He is also available for evening meetings for your convenience.